
FX.co ★ Japan's GDP Private Consumption Dips Further in Q1 2024

Japan's GDP Private Consumption Dips Further in Q1 2024

Japan's GDP private consumption has witnessed a decline in the first quarter of 2024, as per data updated on 15 May 2024. Dropping to -0.7%, the latest figures mark a deeper contraction from the previous quarter's indicator, which stood at -0.4% in Q4 2023.

This quarter-over-quarter comparison highlights the continuing struggles of Japan's economy in boosting consumer spending amidst ongoing economic challenges. The 0.3 percentage point decline underscores the persistence of factors depressing private consumption, potentially including inflationary pressures, wage stagnation, and lingering pandemic-related impacts.

As Japan navigates these economic hurdles, policymakers and businesses alike will need to consider measures to reinvigorate consumer confidence and spending. The coming quarters will be crucial in determining whether this trend can be reversed or if further declines are on the horizon.

* এখানে পোস্ট করা মার্কেট বিশ্লেষণ মানে আপনার সচেতনতা বৃদ্ধি করা, কিন্তু একটি ট্রেড করার নির্দেশনা প্রদান করা নয়
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