Best-performing tech fund says AI rally just starting

In the fast-evolving artificial intelligence sector, financial analysts believe that the unfolding AI rally is far from over. Tony Wang of the $9 billion T Rowe Price Science & Technology Fund highlights the stellar performance of Nvidia shares, which have surged over 80% since the year's start, challenging skeptics to question this growth. Amid cautious glances from some experts, haunted by memories of a time when dot-coms dominated discussions and investment landscapes, Wang stands firm. "We will get a downturn eventually, but I think it’s really hard to call the top here and I think it still feels a little early," he said. Nvidia, shining brightly as the growth leader, fuels the optimism within the tech sector, encouraging the rise of its peers to unprecedented levels. This contrasts with the 90s' volatile market, as today's AI-driven rally is not merely speculative as it is bolstered by solid corporate earnings. Trading at approximately 35 times their forecasted earnings, Nvidia shares serve as a reminder of the market's maturity compared to the speculative frenzy of 2021. History shows that every bubble presents a new generation with the chance to create their success story.