Boeing falls prey to anti-Russian sanctions

On the back of severe anti-Russian sanctions, Boeing encountered troubles about manufacturing new aircraft, The Wall Street Journal reported. As a result, the airplane giant might not meet its production target on its 787 Dreamliner, WSJ analysts warn.

According to the reputable periodical, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, RTX, the manufacturer of heat exchanging equipment for Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, terminated its production facilities in Russia. After the Western sanctions against Russia had entered into force, Boeing turned toward British and American suppliers, but they could not produce enough of the components to meet Boeing’s demands.

Citing Boeing President and CEO David L. Calhoun, this top company in the US key strategic industry also has to deal with the shortage of passenger seats from other suppliers. These bottlenecks have been snowballing and are hard to eliminate.

Earlier, Boeing engineer Sam Salehpour noted that the fuselages of long-range Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft may expose serious faults due to the specifics of their manufacturing and assembly.