
FX.co ★ CPI Tokyo Ex Food & Energy in March 2024 Slightly Declines to 2.3% in Japan

CPI Tokyo Ex Food & Energy in March 2024 Slightly Declines to 2.3% in Japan

In March 2024, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Tokyo excluding Food & Energy showed a slight decline in Japan. The indicator reached 2.3%, down from the previous figure of 2.5% in February 2024. This data, which was updated on 28 March 2024, represents a Year-over-Year comparison, meaning it compares the change in CPI for March 2024 to the same month a year ago. The reduction in the CPI suggests a moderate decrease in the overall price levels for goods and services, indicating a potential easing of inflationary pressures in the Japanese economy. As global financial markets continue to watch for signs of inflation and its impact on central bank policies, this shift in Japan's CPI may influence future monetary decisions by the Bank of Japan.

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