
FX.co ★ Peru's GDP Surges to 2.85% in February 2024

Peru's GDP Surges to 2.85% in February 2024

In a recent economic update, Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) showed a significant surge, reaching 2.85% in February 2024. This growth is a stark improvement from the previous indicator of 1.37% in January 2024. The data, updated on April 15, 2024, indicates a strong momentum in the country's economic performance.

The comparison provided is a Year-over-Year analysis, showcasing the current month's GDP increase compared to the same month a year ago. This positive change suggests a notable economic advancement in Peru. Investors and analysts are likely to closely monitor this development to assess the country's economic trajectory and potential opportunities for growth moving forward.

*यहाँ दिया गया बाजार का विश्लेषण आपकी जागरूकता को बढ़ाने के लिए है, यह ट्रेड करने का निर्देश नहीं है
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