
FX.co ★ Russian Retail Sales Show 1.2% Decrease in March 2024

Russian Retail Sales Show 1.2% Decrease in March 2024

Recent data released for March 2024 shows a 1.2% decrease in Russian retail sales compared to the previous month of February 2024. In February, the retail sales indicator stood at 12.3%, but it dropped to 11.1% in March, according to the latest figures. This shift indicates a slight decline in consumer spending in Russia during this period.

The year-over-year comparison reveals that retail sales in March 2024 were lower than the same month a year ago. The updated data, released on April 27, 2024, provides insights into the changing consumer behavior and economic activity in Russia. As the country navigates through various economic challenges, monitoring retail sales can offer valuable information about the overall economic health and consumer sentiment in the region.

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