
FX.co ★ Technical analysis of the currency pair #USDCHF

Technical analysis of the currency pair #USDCHF


Technical analysis of the currency pair #USDCHF

The pair's quotes at the time of writing were near the support level of 0.9850.

Theoretical calculations indicate a continuation of the downward movement with a target of 0.9775, as shown in the graph.

In the future, we can expect a reversal of the current trend towards 0.9885.

Another scenario is possible, for example, a rebound of quotes from the current support level of 0.9850 to the dynamic resistance level of 0.9890 with a reversal towards 0.9775.

It is necessary to take into account the significant influence of fundamental factors on the foreign exchange market at the current time. For this reason, the calculations of technical analysis from the invoice may not match.

*The market analysis posted here is meant to increase your awareness, but not to give instructions to make a trade
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