
FX.co ★ UK may hold referendum on EU membership

UK may hold referendum on EU membership

UK may hold referendum on EU membership

The victory of the Conservative Party in the parliamentary election may have considerable consequences for the United Kingdom as well as the European Union on the whole.
Such a success of the Tories will be welcomed because of the stable policy focused on business even despite the fact that markets do not like surprises.
The huge swing from support from the Labour party to the Scottish National Party (SNP) is an important factor for the future of the UK.
SNP will have quite an impact in negotiations thanks to the strong presence in the Parliament. Currently, SNP intends to become more independent and press the government on the reform pledges it made around the time of the referendum.
Another referendum on Scottish independence could be included in the SNP's manifesto for the 2016 Scottish elections. This could arouse worries on the market. However, the biggest concern over the Conservative victory is a possible national referendum on continued EU membership.
"The big new issue is the uncertainty that will be brought into the economy as a result of this 2017 referendum. It will be a negative for investment in the U.K," Jacob Nell, economist at Morgan Stanley, said.
David Cameron can win some concessions of Germany and France without which the market worries over the UK exit from the EU may come true.

*The market analysis posted here is meant to increase your awareness, but not to give instructions to make a trade
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